
Path: /root/parties/asm22/real_wild

Party: Assembly 2022 Title: skitmonkeyarna returnz again! By: cloaking novice Competition: Real Wild Techniques: Apple Keynote, FastTracker II Included video.mp4 shows the demo running after th Instructions: Before running complete tasks 1,2,3 (and 4) 0) Install keynote Free, from the Mac App Store 1) Install the font Install the font C64_Pro-STYLE.ttf by double-click Fonts in this package are (c) 2010-2019 Style. "You MAY .. include this font (without any modific t of a software package but ONLY if said software end users." see 2a) Set resolution To ensure correct timings the resolution needs to So set display resolution to 1920x1080 - this migh e m1 macbook pro 16" can not set this resolution. forced with 2b) Set resolution workaround If needed, as a workaround connect an external dis set the presentation to play on it in keynote "Pla ay .." 3) Set to play on full screen Open the presentation in keynote and set "Play -> Now you can hit play or, to make self playing: 4) Set to play upon open In keynote right top corner "Document", then the " how Settings" check "Automatically play upon open" Now you can close keynote and launch the demo by d e Enjoy! Mac OS X 2 ¿ ┌ATTR ┌ 8ó 8 c
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